Hunter Biden trial live updates: President changes his schedule to be with his son after guilty verdict

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Security footage appears to shows Hallie Biden dumping Hunter Biden’s gun in garbage

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President Joe Biden is headed to Wilmington, Delaware presumably to be with his son, Hunter Biden, after a jury convicted him on three federal gun charges.

Tuesday afternoon, the White House Press Office announced the president’s schedule had changed and he would head toward his hometown, hours after a 12-person jury unanimously voted in favor of a guilty verdict.

Hunter was charged with two counts of making false statements and one count of unlawfully possessing a firearm for obtaining a gun in October 2018 while he was addicted and using crack cocaine.

The president has already said he will not pardon his son but issued a statement saying he and First Lady Jill Biden love and support their son and are proud of his resilience in recovery.

Throughout Hunter’s federal gun charges trial, members of the Biden family flocked to the courthouse to show their support for Hunter. The first lady attended nearly every day of the trial as did President Biden’s siblings James Biden and Valerie Biden Owens.


Watch: Hunter Biden leaves federal court in Delaware hand in hand with the First Lady and his wife

Hunter Biden leaves federal court in Delaware hand in hand with the First Lady and his wife

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 21:00


Joe Biden makes no mention of Hunter’s conviction during speech

President Joe Biden made no mention of his son, Hunter Biden’s, gun charges conviction while delivering a speech at the Everytown for Gun Safety event in Washington, DC.

The president’s remarks included acknowledging his administration’s steps in strengthing gun laws in the country and holding those accountable who break the laws.

His son was found guilty of lying on a federal gun form, lying to a firearm salesman and unlawfully possessing a gun on Tuesday.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 20:30


Watch: Joe Biden speaks about gun control after son Hunter found guilty

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 20:15


Democrat rep calls out Republicans for hypocrisy

Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts called out his Republican colleagues for accepting the verdict in Hunter Biden’s federal gun charges trial but denouncing the verdict in Donald Trump’s New York criminal trial.

“Apparently, when a Republican is convicted it’s weaponization. But when a Democrat is convicted, the president’s son no less, that’s justice. I mean, give me a break,” McGovern said during a hearing on Tuesday.

He added: “Hunter Biden was found guilty by a jury of his peers just like Donald Trump.”

McGovern accused Republicans of abandoning the rule of law to suit their political needs.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 20:00


Special counsel thanks jury for service

Special Counsel David Weiss thanked the jury who sat in and ultimately convicted Hunter Biden on three federal gun-related charges, during a press conference on Tuesday.

“I want to thank the jury for their service. There are few civic responsibilities more important than jury service,” he said.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 19:40


President Joe Biden to head to Wilmington

President Joe Biden will go to Wilmington, Delaware later this afternoon, presumably to be with his son, Hunter Biden, after a jury convicted him on three federal gun charges.

Hours after the ruling, the president changed his schedule so he visit Delaware to be with his family. First Lady Jill Biden is already in Wilmington as she attended Hunter’s trial.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 19:26


Hunter Biden attorney says they will pursue ‘all the legal challenges’

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s defense attorney, said in a statement that he plans to “vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter” after a jury convicted him on three federal gun charges.

“We are naturally disappointed by today’s verdict. We respect the jury process, and as we have done throughout this case, we will continue to vigorously pursue all the legal challenges available to Hunter. Through all he has been through in his recovery, including this trial, Hunter has felt grateful for and blessed by the love and support of his family,” Lowell said in the statement.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 19:20


Read the verdict form in Hunter Biden’s trial

Read the verdict form, the 12-panel jury submitted to convict Hunter Biden on three gun-related charges here.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 19:00


Trump campaign calls trial ‘distraction’ from other crimes

A spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign released a statement on Hunter Biden’s verdict, calling the entire trial a “distraction” from other alleged crimes the Biden family has committed.

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit,” Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign National Press Secretary said in a statement.

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 18:30


Hunter Biden found guilty of all three charges in historic federal gun trial

After approximately three hours of deliberations, 12 jurors unanimously convicted Biden on all three felony gun charges, a historic decision that marks the first time a sitting president’s child has been found guilty of a crime.

Gustaf Kilander reports from Wilmington, Delaware:

Ariana Baio11 June 2024 18:00

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