Russia: Hostages taken by IS inmates at detention center

1 week ago 5

Two prison guards have been taken hostage by inmates, some of whom claim to be supporters of Islamic State (IS) at a detention center in the southern Russian city of Rostov, authorities said on Sunday.

"The inmates took two prison officers hostage" in detention center Number One of the Rostov region, Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service said in a statement.

Several of the detainees had already been convicted of terrorism offenses, including affiliation with the IS, Russia's RIA state news agency said, citing sources.

Negotiations underway

The men allegedly were able to remove the bars from their windows and enter a guard room, according to a Telegram channel cited by Reuters news agency.

Russia's Federal Penitentiary Service said law enforcement agencies had been called to the site.

"The institution operates as usual, the situation is under control," it said on Telegram. "Negotiations on the release of the hostages are underway."

The Interfax news agency reported that the prisoners were demanding a car and free passage.

Russia has been targeted by IS in the past. In March, the jihadist organization claimed responsibility for an attack at a concert hall near the capital Moscow, in which 144 people died.

Who are ISIS-K, the group that hit Russia?

dvv/ab (AFP, Reuters)

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